Parent care kit

Stay connected with your student's learning through these parent essentials.

Classroom resources

Access classroom resources and read your teachers' welcome letters for Fall 2023

Class Dojo

Stay connected to the school community, communicate with teachers, follow up on your child's progress.

Class Dojo

Parent Facebook Group

Join us on Erie’s newest platform for parents and caregivers. Erie's Parent Facebook Group is a space to make connections, support each other, cultivate relationships, express concerns, swap strategies and share freely.

Join today

Community resources

We've compiled additional community resources for Erie Elementary families.

School calendar

Stay up to date with school activities and events.

Parent handbook

Read the Parent Handbook for the 2023-2024 school year.

Become a Room Parent

Each year, we look for parents to serve as Room Parents to facilitate communication among parents and the classroom teacher.

Join the Parent Committee

The Parent Committee takes an active role in planning school and family events, and participates in important school decisions. Together we support our children’s school community and education.

Parent-teacher conferences

Parent-teacher conferences occur every trimester and are scheduled by teachers. Please contact your child's teacher for more information.

Classroom supply lists

Access you child's classroom supply lists by grade level for Fall 2023.

School fees

Please contact Monica Garcia (Registrar and Enrollment Specialist) for more information.

School Uniforms - now available online!

Shop for your child's school uniform or spirit wear and order with this form. Please contact Ana Salgado (Logistics & Communications Coordinator) for more information.